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PD Pumps

Cost-saving pumping of high quantities of different viscosities.

Petroturbo provides a complete range of PD (positive displacement) pumps, designed according to API 674, API 675 and API 676 standards. The various series of pumps cover all the applications of the oil and gas and hydrocarbon processing markets.

PD pumping systems. Petroturbo provides extensive PD pumping systems project engineering and management resources ensuring a wide range of product expertise and providing complete solutions. These systems, generally mounted on skid, are designed according to customer specifications and are supplied pre-assembled, wired and tested, ready for installation.

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Reciprocating Pumps

Petroturbo provides a complete range of triplex, quintuplex and septuplex reciprocating power pumps, designed according to API 674 standards.

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Metering Pumps

Petroturbo provides a complete range of metering PD plunger and diaphragm pumps designed according to API 675 standards.

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Rotary Pumps

Petroturbo provides a complete range of rotary gear and screw pumps designed according to API 676 standards.