COVID-19 Information Center
As the world navigates the challenges and threats from the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), we at Petroturbo are continuing to share information to help maintain the health and safety of our colleagues, customers, suppliers, and communities. This is our top priority, as ever.
We have established this web page for updates on COVID-19 as they pertain to Petroturbo and our stakeholders, and we will continue to update with relevant information.
Let’s continue to stand united, stay informed, and stay safe.
Staying committed and focused. Petroturbo continues to work hard to avoid any products and services shortages in our business due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Around our operations, Petroturbo continues to review and evaluate its entire robust supply chain, redundant back-up plans, and network of facilities to meet customer demands. This is a dynamic and fluid situation, which makes it difficult to predict its future impact or exact duration. We are controlling what we can, continually reviewing and updating our crisis and contingency plans, which may vary by product and plant location. We escalated our own company emergency response plans early, unlocking protective measures for our offices and production facilities.
Proactive measures taken for our operations. Petroturbo has and continues to take several protective measures to ensure the safety of our people and customers, while also maintaining business continuity. Some of these actions taken at locations for our operations include:
Having our employees work from home if they are in a role that allows them to do so. Offices and production facilities remain limited open and limited operational in accordance with and local regulations and guidance from health authorities.
Restricting access to visitors and holding virtual meetings instead of in-person meetings whenever possible.
For authorized people who must enter one of our production facilities, additional health protocols have been applied including: Temperature checks at certain locations for employees, suppliers and visitors, Refined work procedures to allow social distancing for specific personnel and their operations, Implementing carefully considered personal protective equipment at certain locations.
Reinforcing good hygiene practices amongst our workforce, and in parallel our offices and production facilities have implemented increased cleaning and disinfecting frequency.
Restricting business travel per the latest guidelines from local regulations and guidance from health authorities.
Communicating regular updates. Our President and leadership teams and health response teams have been sharing information regularly with employees about ongoing actions to maintain the health and safety of our colleagues, customers, suppliers, and communities.
Visitors procedure. All visitors that will enter our office and production facilities must be with our HSE approval. Visitors have to submit rapid antigen with negative COVID-19 test results and vaccination certificate with minimum first dose to our HSE email ( in 1 (one) day before arrival. Having visitors get the approval from our HSE, then visitors shall completed the Petroturbo self-assessment for COVID-19 prior to enter our facilities. Please read the below emergency response plan COVID-19 for your convenience.
Appreciation. We certainly appreciate your patience, cooperation, and collaboration as we navigate through these challenging times together.